Sunday, 24 August 2014

'Forgotten Sin' : Not your average Wolf tale.

'Forgotten Sin' is the first in the Avenging Fate series by author Brian Hershey.
If the cover left you in any doubt, the book fits squarely in the paranormal genre, the 'Werewolf' genre to be exact.

Unlike recent Werewolf novels, or even books with Werewolf characters (I am thinking of certain hunky True Blood Characters here), 'Forgotten Sin' finds no romance or nobility in these hairy beasts.
Hershey's Werewolves, for the most part revert to 'type'; viciously dismembering any human that they encounter in their 'Wolfish Form'.

Hershey's main character, Dr Mya Bishop. is however a Werewolf apart from the norm, clinging onto what remains of her humanity, desperately trying to outwit the curse that has overtaken her life.

Afraid to leave the cage in the basement of her estate during the full moon and wracked with guilt over the lives she has taken over the course of her 250 year existence, Mya knows something has to change.

As fate would have it, this desire to combat evil and perhaps redeem her soul proves the spark for a series of events that will tip Mya even closer to the edge of evil.

The first in a series (still to be written), 'Forgotten Sin' is an entertaining read that occasionally shocks as it moves from Sedate and somewhat formal prose (perhaps a nod to Mya's 17th Century upbringing) to grisly descriptions of Werewolf attacks involving severed limbs and the consumption of human flesh.

While this variation is style is surprising at times, it succeeds in adding more suspense and interest to the narrative than may have otherwise been the case.

'Forgotten Sin' is a promising start to this new paranormal series and I have to admit, the end left me wondering..... what next?
Hurry up and write Mr Hershey!

If you are keen to give 'Forgotten Sin' a read, it is available for purchase from via the following link.

'Forgotten Sin'; By Brian Hershey

All purchase made via this link will support 'Little Miss Kindle'.

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