Dear Mr Martin,
Please accept my sincere congratulations on what is possibly the best Fantasy fiction Series in the known universe! (I refer of course to the magnificent work that is Game of Thrones.)
It has come to my attention however that you are releasing a new book on the 20th of November. Imagine my disappointment when I realised that this 'book' was not the next (loooooong awaited) installment but a 'History of Westeros'.
I mean really.
Bottom line is this, I absolutely forbid you to write another word of fiction if it is NOT part of Book 6 of G.O.T.
Honestly, I have nothing to threaten you with to achieve my aims, except to say this. I WILL buy book six when you release it, but I will be disgruntled, VERY disgruntled.
Best of luck with the 'words'.
Kind Regards
Little Miss Kindle
p.s. A signed copy of book six will go a long way towards easing my pain......
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