Wednesday, 23 September 2015

'Halo Bound':'Redneck Apocalypse' Perfection

There is not much better in life than finding a book that is exciting to read. A book that lures you in, stomps all over your life and then leaves you desolate when it is over.

From my experience these 'Life Stomper' books are not as common as they should be and when I find one I want to shout it from the top of a mountain, or at least a book shelf ladder.

So here I am, on the top of my own personal ladder shouting,

 'For Heavens sake people (in this case sorta literally), 'Halo Bound' is a read you need to get on!'

'Halo Bound' is not a long book, but it is dense; like getting your daily reading calories from dark chocolate instead of a salad.

Featuring really really nasty fallen angels (makes sense when you think about it.... they were kicked out of Heaven for a reason!) and some seriously conflicted redneck warriors of God.

The characters in Eden Hudson's paranormal thriller are living on the edge, on the edge of sanity, on the edge of love and most definitely on the very edge of survival.

It is the choices these characters make to survive that make this book so intense:

Giving up salvation to save a brother; giving up their bodies to rescue a sister and giving up their sanity to save the world.

Sound interesting? You bet it does! This book only suits those with a pulse and a love of the apocalyptic genre. A warning though, there are most definitely some adult themes, so be aware....

If this sounds like your cup of Whiskey, 'Halo Bound' is available for download or as a paper back from via the following link.

Even better news, this is the beginning of a series and there is a prequel to sample as well!

Happy reading :)

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