Tuesday 18 October 2016

'Big Magic' by Elizabeth Gilbert: A Love Song to The Creative Life

In 'Big Magic', Elizabeth Gilbert's ode to the 'life creative'; there is a lot of spooky stuff going on.
I'm not just talking about Hogworts' style magic (although bless her cotton socks, Gilbert does); rather I am referring to her uncanny ability to nail every single insecurity and phobia held dear by us creative types and then:

 Tear. Them. Apart.

By chapter three, I had book marked eight separate cliche destroying paragraphs designed to free the creative spirit.

Turns out, I (and I'm guessing I'm not alone here) have been beavering away creating a razor wire topped wall between myself and my love of creative expression.

Bricking in fear, doubt, struggle, expectation and perfectionism (which is after all just fear dressed in a gold buttoned coat) until my wall was strong and rigid and such a God Damn waste of time.

If ever there was an example of the Power of Words to remove obstacles and blast away barriers,'Big Magic' is it. Even better, Gilbert manages all this without preaching. Not for her a sandwich board warning of a 'creative apocalypse' or mega phone on the street corner hectoring us to repent of our sins against our god given talent.

So what's inside?

Within the pages of 'Big Magic', Gilbert launches an all out attack on ‘attachment’ in all its sneaky and evil forms; encouraging all creative types to

‘Please try and relax!’

She has no time for attachment to the struggle, noting of the professional creative community;

‘'You would think these people had been sentenced to their vocations by an evil dictator, rather than having chosen their work with a free will and an open heart’

Complaining she says, scares away creative inspiration; making it ‘take it’s business elsewhere’.
'Big Magic' is not all about the what not to do!

Within its pages is a multitude of wisdom aiming to free our creative souls from our self imposed bondage.

My favorite advice?
Treat your creativity like a treasured lover. Delight in it, make commitments to it, dress up for it.
Own it.
Gilbert's book is a balm for all writers and artists, crafty types and chefs, landscape gardeners and Bullock decorators (you'll have to read the book to figure that one out ;).
Whatever form your creative spark takes (and she assures us we were all born to make and create), isn't it a relief to hear that we can approach it with love, unshackle ourselves from doubt and perfectionism and just get on with the job we were born to do?
For me, 'Big Magic' is worth each an every one of five out of five stars.
For all those who are in need of a joy filled guide to conducting a hot and steamy love affair with creativity, then 'Big Magic' is the potion for you!

As always, may your books be long and your reading time (like life) be unlimited:)

xoxox LMK

Buy it, Read it!

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